Monday, November 17, 2008

horror show.

I'm torn. As a designer, of course we would love to see more interaction and experience in websites, even if that is their only purpose. Unfortunately, how many people are on the web for just that? People are on the web usually for a specific reason. That reason doesn't have to be "to get information"...and sure your reason could just be "I'm bored and want to browse". But usually people don't want to stumble upon things that htey have no idea what to do. Take a flash website for instance (maybe, a portfolio?). Unless I have to be there to find something out...if there are no obvious buttons I'd probably just leave. I should be able to figure out what the buttons do without actually having to click them to see. But they don't have to be labeled.

So again, as a design I like to see all the bells and whistles. But as your average internet user...not so much.

What Buckley suggest seems like something more than a web site. There's nothing wrong with web-based online entertainment...but is there a demand for it? When I want interaction, I go play games.